Immune Control Signaling Laboratory
드롭 다운 메뉴
Press Coverages
작성일 : 19-04-10 12:57
2016.11 EMBO Molecular Medicine 논문 기사
 글쓴이 : 관리자
조회 : 647  
   Nec-1_언론보도자료-1.pdf (1.3M) [21] DATE : 2019-04-10 12:57:00 [252]
Yang, S.H., Lee, D.K., Shin. J., Lee, S., Baek. S., Kim, J., Jung, H., Hah, J.M., and Kim, Y. (2017) Nec-1 alleviates cognitive impairment with reduction in Aβand tau abnormalities in APP/PS1 mice. EMBO. Mol. Med. 9(1), 61-77 (IF 10.293)